[bitfolk] Xen Shell now also accessible on port 922

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Author: Andy Smith
Subject: [bitfolk] Xen Shell now also accessible on port 922
> =B9 Having a VPS gives the technical basis, but I don't mind taking an
> AXFR from anywhere.
> =B2 I don't actually know any, but I assume there are plenty. I don't
> mind if people want to suggest some.
> --
> http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
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That's pretty much the price level I'd have suggested (I'd have gone for a
round =A31 and =A310.) I used Gradwell for everything before moving to Bitf=
for various reasons and at the time (a few years ago) found their DNS easy
to manipulate and a reasonable price. They (again at the time
and probably still) will do both primary and secondary DNS.

Robert Gauld

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<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On 11 February 2012 20:58, Andy Smith <span dir=
=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:andy@bitfolk.com">andy@???</a>&gt;</=
span> wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8e=

x;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">

Hi Ian,<br>
On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 08:19:25PM +0000, Ian wrote:<br>
&gt; Andy said:<br>
&gt;&gt; I do not recommend having all your nameservers in <a href=3D"http:=
//" target=3D"_blank"></a>. If<br>
&gt;&gt; Jump Networks were to go off the air, none of your nameservers wou=
&gt;&gt; be reachable. Of course, if everything you host is at BitFolk then=
&gt;&gt; that may not matter much, but still.<br>
&gt; Yeah, it has been that, having two VPSes,<br>
Do you mean two VPSes at BitFolk? If so, can you explain a bit more?<br>
Just trying to understand your needs here.<br>
&gt; and the 50 domain limit which has put me off doing this.<br>
There&#39;s currently one customer who has just over 50 domains on the<br>
BitFolk secondary service, and I haven&#39;t yet contacted them to see<br>
what they want to do about it because:<br>
a) I haven&#39;t thought too much about what to charge for &quot;above 50&q=
b) Before charging I would like to have a better web interface in<br>
=A0 place so that customers can add, remove and disable domains<br>
=A0 without having to submit support tickets.<br>
So I have let them languish at just above 50 and will continue to do<br>
so until I have more of an idea.<br>
I haven&#39;t got rid of the 50 limit because I do still think there<br>
needs to be some sort of limit. The next person down the list by<br>
domain count is somewhere around 20 so it hasn&#39;t been a pressing<br>
I should probably have realised though that there might be more of<br>
you who were just put off by there seeming to be nowhere to go.<br>
How many domains do you have? What would you consider a fair price<br>
for DNS hosting for them? Are there missing features that you feel<br>
would need to be implemented before BitFolk could actually charge<br>
for the &gt;50 case?<br>
I want to focus on doing DNS hosting for existing customers only,<br>
which means they have the ability to run their own master DNS<br>
server(s)=B9. I don&#39;t want to get into hosting DNS with a web<br>
interface to manipulate zone content. I want to provide the DNS<br>
servers and monitoring of them, and basically any other assistance<br>
you can think of that enables you to run your own stuff.<br>
I appreciate that for a lot of people with a large number of domains<br>
the question may still be, &quot;why would I pay BitFolk when there are<br>
companies out there that will provide secondary DNS for free?&quot;=B2<br>
That&#39;s fine -